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I’m a young entrepreneur in search of a Laidback Lifestyle, welcome to my lounge. I believe chasing your passions and dreams is a way to work hard and enjoy the work you do. Art, music, and games are fun things that provide value to people who enjoy them. I am working to build a community and culture around these things and help others who would like to do creative work for a living. Would you like to join me in my pursuit? Read, comment, and post your way into a Laidback Lifestyle.

Much Love


About Me

LaidbackMarco Posing WIth Outliers BOok

I’m a twenty-five-year-old from Tacoma, Washington, U.S. living in Karuizawa Nagano Japan.

Searching for the meaning of life

lead me to the words of Simon Sinek, Joe Rogan, Gary Vaynerchuk, and my favorite speaker of all Alan Watts. Using words from Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins, and Les Brown I started to believe that perhaps I could make something of myself too.

Taking what I learned at Washington State University I use my skills to carve a path into the world. My love of Japanese cars and culture has to lead me on the wild Journey with new twists and turns. My dream is to become a full-time content creator doing something I enjoy for a living.

I am a dreamer who looks to inspire other dreamers like me to strive and make their dreams a reality.



There’s so much I want to say about art, that I feel it’s impossible to describe with words. Art is like life in that there are so many ups and downs, but if I ever told you that I was proud of something I drew it would be lying to you. Because I want to keep improving, I’m never satisfied with anything I produce.

Now living in Japan I’m chasing my dreams of being an animator, my favorite genres are Slice of Life, Racing, and Romance anime. I’d like to remind people of the little joys in life which we all take for granted. Eventually, I’d like to animate my own Biography as to both process my life and help others who may share some similar stories.

Currently, my dream is to go to animation school in Kyoto, so I’ve been drawing every day to try and bring my skills to the level of my ambitions.



Music runs through my bloodstream and my heart beats in time with the song that plays throughout my life. Nanay used to play classical music to me when I would sleep as a baby. My dad had numerous cassettes and CDs that we used to sing to in the car together. My first walkman was a cassette tape player, then my cd player, and finally my first iPod. In school, we always had a music class in which we put on performances and plays.

I started playing guitar around the age of ten years old and ten years later at around twenty, I started producing my very own tracks. Now I am a DJ, producer, rapper, and singer trying to combine the genres that I love listening to. Music is a lifelong process and I’m trying to push and explore my boundaries.



Games have and always will be a big part of my life. I remember playing my first game on the sega genesis, since then both games and I have seen much growth. Sharing my love of games with others through a Twitch stream and YouTube Channel. I will never forget the fun memories I have and continue to make with friends in virtual worlds. Perhaps after my dream of going to animation school is accomplished I’ll be able to design, create, and code my own world to share with you.

A “TryHard” I’m always doing my best to learn different game mechanics and use mind games to my advantage. Right Now I’m a big fan of League of Legends, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty, but playing most games will make me happy.

Here is a highlight from the stream I run!




I’ve always loved holding a camera, even when our family couldn’t afford a digital camera, I remember going around with those little disposable cameras capturing the beauty that the world had to offer. After tearing my ACL in high school, I joined yearbook class and got my first taste of a DSLR, Since then I’ve never been able to let go of mine and one is constantly hanging around my neck. Spiderman being one of my favorite heroes, this is one way I can be a little more like the wisecracking everyman hero.

With great power comes great responsibility

Not wanting to waste my talents, I study shooting techniques, editing, and principles of design in attempts to make Photography a part of my career. Realizing that I can teach what I know to those aspiring photographers using Instagram, cellphones, and creativity to chase their dream, I hope to become an example for those who follow behind me.



I’m a Big Fan Of Films and Movies

A large part of my youth was sitting with my family and watching films we rented from Blockbuster (R.I.P.) and Hollywood Video(also RIP). Naturally, I absorbed the love and feel for cinematic ventures. Having watched so many films it’s difficult to watch movies without innately knowing what’s going to happen. When watching films now I think about the cuts, the VFX, the sounds, and why things are done a certain way. The art of making films, or cinematography, is something that I’ve built skills for unintentionally through my hobbies. Crafting a good film is like building a world, the sounds, characters, plot, and environments gel together to make an alternate reality that people can put themselves in. For now, I can only make YouTube videos, but someday My dream is to one day got to USC’s film school and apply what I learn there to make my own independent films.